Developing ij-Plugins using IntelliJ IDEA > Create Project

Once source are checked out, you need to create IDEA project for the selected module, in this case ij-plugins. If you were checking out sources following previous step of the tutorial the "New Project" wizard should open automatically. You can always start it selecting File > New Project...

  1. In the "New Project" dialog select "Create Java project from existing sources".


  2. Confirm location of the new project.

  3. Deselect all source directories suggested by IDEA using Unmark All button. We will set up source directories once the project is created.


  4. Deselect all libraries suggested by IDEA. We will set up libraries once the project is created.


  5. Since you did not select any source directories, IDEA will new try to create module for each. Click Next to get to the final configuration dialog.


  6. On the final dialog click on Finish to create IDEA project.


  7. One the project is created, it should open in IDEA.


Once project is created you need to specify location of the sources and dependencies. This is described in the next step.