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IJ Plugins Toolkit

Core set of ImageJ plugins grouped into:

  • 3D IO - import and export of data in 3D formats.
  • 3D Toolkit - operations on stacks interpreted as 3D images, including morphological operations.
  • Color - color space conversion, color edge detection (color and multi-band images).
  • Filters - fast median filters and various anisotropic diffusion filters.
  • Graphics - Texture Synthesis - A plugin to perform texture synthesis using the image quilting algorithm of Efros and Freeman.
  • Segmentation - image segmentation through clustering, thresholding, and region growing.


  1. Download latest binaries for ij-plugins Toolkit. Look for version with the highest number. Plugin binaries will be in file named: ij-plugins_toolkit_bin_*.zip.

  2. Uncompress content of ij-plugins_toolkit_bin_*.zip to ImageJ's plugins directory. You can find location of ImageJ plugins directory by selecting in ImageJ "Plugins"/"Utilities"/"ImageJ Properties", look for value of tag "plugins dir" near the bottom of the displayed Properties' window.

  3. Restart ImageJ to load newly installed plugins.