Java VTK Examples - Screenshots

Here are screen shots of some examples that make use of Java's Swing GUI. Note that renderings for most of the examples, without GUI elements, can be seen here.

ExampleTree running Medical2 Example

The ExampleTree is a "meta" example; it is a GUI interface that can be used to lunch all Swing based examples.


DispAllFonts Example

DispAllFonts example displays all possible combinations of font families and styles available in VTK. Moving slider at the top changes current font size. This example illustrates updating a VTK rendering in response to events generated by Java's Swing JSlider component.


Histogram Example

Histogram example displays two VTK renderings. On the left is a slice of 3D image. On the right is a histogram of that slice. Moving slider changes current image slice. This another example of updating a VTK renderings in response to events generated by Java's Swing JSlider component.


MandelbrotViewer Example

MandelbrotViewer example displays two VTK renderings of fractals. This example illustrates custom mouse interaction with VTK rendering components.


SphericalPuzzle Example

This example illustrates user interaction done "VTK way": Observers are registered with RenderWindowInteractor to process user interaction events generated by VTK.
