Developing ij-Plugins using IntelliJ IDEA > Checkout

Checkout selected ij-Plugins module from SVN repository. Alternatively you can download packaged source. Here we assume that the ij-plugins/ij-plugins module is checked out.

  1. Start IDEA
  2. Select Version Control > Checkout from Version Control > Subversion
  3. Click on "+" icon to add repository


  4. In the "New Repository Location", type:
  5. Expand SVN tree to see directory structure


  6. Now select path trunk/ij-plugins and click button Checkout


  7. Select directory where you want to keep the project sources
  8. You will be asked to select location based on the directory you selected in the previous step. Select most appropriate one


  9. Select working copy format, if in doubt, select the highest number to use the newest version


  10. IDEA will start downloading the ij-plugins_toolkit module from the SVN repository. Status bar will show check-uot indicator


    Once download is completed IDEA will give you an option to create new project.


Creation of the project is described in the next step.